Thursday, February 2, 2017

How to Lose Weight by Eating 5-6 Times a Day

How to Lose Weight by Eating 5-6 Times a Day

Weight loss comes from managing the equation of calories in to calories out. There are 3,500 calories in a single pound of body weight. A caloric deficit of 500 calories per day would result in a weight loss of one pound per week. Eating frequent meals throughout the day helps to control your appetite, prevent overeating at meal times and has been said to keep your metabolism firing throughout the day.

Step 1

Eat every three hours. An ideal day of eating should include breakfast, a mid-morning snack, lunch, mid-afternoon snack and dinner.

Step 2

Eat slowly. Eating five to six small meals each day helps you avoid overeating at meal times. When you approach the table ravenous, you start eating mindlessly, which leads to overeating. It takes your body about 20 minutes to signal to your brain that you are full.

Step 3

Practice portion control. Your stomach is the size of your fist and a serving size should be the size of your palm.

Step 4

Maintain a balanced diet. Each meal should be made of a lean proteins, whole grains and healthy fats while snacks should be smaller portions mainly fruits and vegetables.

Step 5

Limit your sixth meal. Dessert would fall under “sixth meal;” try to limit this to only a few times a week. This should be considered a treat and not an excuse to binge.

How to lose 30 Pounds

How to lose 30 Pounds

Losing 30 pounds can seem like a daunting task, however if you give yourself time, develop healthy habits and work hard, it is also an achievable goal.  For those that are overweight or obese, losing 30 pounds can be enough to improve your health, build your self-confidence, increase your fitness and improve your overall quality of life.

Many diets or exercise programs promise 30 pound weight loss in an unrealistically short time frame, but to lose the weight in a healthy way and for long term results try the simple tips below.

Step 1: Give yourself time

If a diet promises weight loss that sounds too good to be true, it probably is.  Although it may be tempting to sign up for a diet or exercise program that will apparently give you the results you want in as short a time as possible, it is essential to remember that long term weight loss and maintenance is what you are really aiming for, not just a quick fix.

How long does it take to lose 30 pounds?

To lose 30 pounds at a healthy rate of about one to two pounds per week, you will need to decrease your calorie intake or increase your energy expenditure to create a calorie deficit.  This equates to a deficit of around 500 calories for one pound and 1000 for two.

At this rate of weight loss it will obviously take 15 weeks at a minimum to lose the weight, which although it may seem like a long time, it is really the healthiest way to drop the pounds and keep them off.

Extreme dieting or exercise that causes rapid weight loss can be dangerous to your health and is also hard to maintain whilst carrying out a normal day to day routine.

Step 2: Move more

One of the easiest ways to create a calorie deficit is to get moving and burn the extra energy.  Vigorous cardio exercise is the most efficient in terms of burning calories; however resistance training can also be beneficial for building muscle mass, which burns more calories than fat even in a resting state, thus increasing your metabolism.

Incidental exercise such as moving more throughout the day by taking the stairs or riding a bike to work is a good start, but to lose 30 pounds you are better off also doing some form of organized exercise to burn those excess calories more efficiently.

If you are new to working out, make sure you start gently and gradually increase the speed and time you exercise as you improve your fitness level.

Step 3: Eat fewer calories

Along with exercising more, consuming less energy is the best way to lose weight.  There are numerous approaches to reducing your calorie intake, but it is important to choose one that suits your lifestyle and eating habits so you can keep it up in the long term.

Some people may prefer to eliminate ‘extra’ foods from their diet such as chocolate, potato chips and candy, whilst others may find that even just cutting out sugary drinks or alcohol is enough to achieve the energy deficit required.

A combination of reducing portion sizes, eating lower energy density foods, cutting out excess sugary and fatty foods and limiting alcohol may be a good way to lose the pounds, but some people prefer a more structured diet or eating plan.

It all depends on your current diet, eating patterns and which changes are easier to make for you as an individual, so the best thing to do is try to make changes and find the ones that are the best for you.

Step 4: Adjust your plan as you lose weight

Many people start on a diet and continue on with this same diet without adjusting their calorie intake as they lose weight.  This usually leads to a plateau in weight loss which can be frustrating and demoralizing.

To keep weight loss constant, it is necessary to gradually decrease your calorie intake further as you lose weight.  This is because as your body weight reduces, your energy requirements are less to maintain your weight, so you may no longer be in a large enough energy deficits with your reduced calorie diet.

Once you reach your desired weight it is usually possible to increase intake slightly to halt weight loss and maintain your goal weight.

Step 5: Set mini goals

Losing 30 pounds can be overwhelming and is definitely a long term commitment, so to make it easier to manage, try looking at your weight loss in smaller goals.  Set weekly goals for your weight, dietary changes and exercise and you will be motivated to continue and set new challenges when you have completed them.  (See also: How to set realistic weight loss goals)

Step 6: Don’t stress about small gains

With any long term weight loss plan it is normal to get fluctuations in weight, including small gains.  Many people lose motivation and give up when they see an increase on the scales, but bear in mind that there are many factors that can cause increases in weight and a small change is nothing to worry about, it is long term weight loss that is important.

Fluid retention, menstruation, muscle gain and even when you last went to the toilet can increase your weight in the short term, so instead of weighing yourself daily, it may be better to do it on a weekly basis so these small fluctuations are not so obvious.

Step 7: Motivate yourself

Losing weight, especially larger amounts is not easy, and although it may seem to be a simple case of eating less and exercising more, there is much more to it than that.

Motivation and support are essential ingredients to any weight loss endeavor, especially for larger amounts and to keep it off in the long term.  Rewarding yourself for you hard work, working out with friends and keeping a chart of your weight loss can all be good motivational tools and joining a weight loss group or talking about your goals with a friend or health professional can give you the extra support you need to lose those pounds forever.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Steps to Stop Overeating

Steps to Stop Overeating

Overeating can wreak havoc on your mental, emotional and physical health if left unaddressed, and the talking down to yourself that typically follows flushes a lot of energy and self-love down the toilet. If you are binging regularly and beating yourself up about it, you’ll also have much less time to focus on what really matters to you – your dreams, relationships, contributing, having fun.

Yet despite what your reason and intelligence tells you to do (i.e., stop overeating), you are still unable to close the bag of processed (or raw) chips.

Emotional eating can be a very challenging habit to release as usually:

It is a deeply ingrained behavior.
You have been doing it for a very long time both consciously and unconsciously.
It can be frightening to consider a life where you don’t numb yourself with food, even if it is a conscious choice.
Processed foods and junk foods are highly addictive, so even without the emotional component they can be extremely hard to stop eating.
But it can be done.

What is needed is support, compassion, kindness and a safe space without judgment where you can release your fears, and identify your emotions, triggers and real needs. Having a toolbox of strategies is essential to do this.

Here are some tools that you can start using immediately:

1. Identify what’s really going on
Do you stop long enough to see what emotion you are feeling before you stuff them down with food?

One of the most powerful things you can do is to train yourself to stop when you have the urge to eat, and ask yourself “Am I really hungry?” If the answer is no, ask yourself “What emotion am I really feeling?”

This alone can bring so much awareness that small shifts in your eating behavior will occur. You will realize that your heart and soul wants to be heard and fed, but the late-night box of candy isn’t doing it.

2. Find a safe place or person to release to
To heal your relationship with food, you need to safely express yourself and release the emotions you feel. A safe place or person will allow you to do this. There can also be a lot of shame and embarrassment around overeating, particularly binging, so a safe space to release becomes even more important.

Get into a journaling practice where you can write about whatever you are feeling with no talk back, criticism or judgment. Find a person you can speak to about your behavior and what’s really going on for you. Create or find a space where you can go to be quiet, think, cry, laugh, journal, talk, meditate. Having a space that you can always go to will give you a sense of comfort, nourishment, familiarity and a haven as you heal.

3. Create a sacred ritual
One of the best ways to nourish yourself every day is to create a sacred ritual that makes you feel centered, strong and harmonious. When you include this in your routine, you will find that over time you are better able to identify and address thoughts, feelings and stress that contribute to overeating (and other unhelpful habits).

What you include in your ritual is entirely up to you. For most people, one or a combination of the following works well:

Deep breathing
Setting intentions
Nourishing movement
Yoga and stretching
Drinking water or herbal tea
Reading inspirational material
Listening to music
Speaking to a loved one
Playing with your pets
Having a hot
bath or shower

4. Understand and appreciate what food gives you
For many people who suffer from disordered eating patterns, food is the enemy. You stuff yourself and make yourself sick with it. You feel compelled to eat copious quantities until you feel heavy, tired, unwell and miserable. It adds the kilos to your body that you despise. It is the enemy you have to avoid at all costs to stay thin because that’s what you see as beautiful, worthy or your way of maintaining a sense of control in your life.

For many of the women I work with, an important step in their healing is helping them to understand what food really is – how it gives life, nourishment, beauty, joy, pleasure, energy, healing and comfort. Nourish yourself with real, high-quality whole foods that are not filled with chemicals, refined sugar, salts and fats, and learn how they produce beauty, health and energy. Respect is built for the role food plays within your body and a respect for your body itself also grows.

5. Unleash your creativity and do something you love every single day
You have endless creativity and passion within you. When you don’t allow yourself to express, create, be and do as you’d like to, you end up repressing yourself. Repression leads to out-of- control binges as a temporary way to numb that undirected energy.

Find a way to build in some time every day to do something you love, that gives you a creative outlet for self-expression, and that allows you to be exactly who you are or takes you a step closer to that.

Before you start using the “no time or energy” excuse, know that you only need five minutes to start doing this. If you have more, that’s great. If you are honoring your needs and desires by acting on them every day, you will be far less likely to look for the answer in cake. Self- satisfaction and happiness comes with nourishing your whole being – physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually – consistently. This is your way out.

Without the drain of overeating, think about how much time, energy and health will be freed up to focus on what you really want out of your life! As someone who has a long history of emotional and disordered eating, I can tell you that you can overcome it, and the freedom and reward you will feel is truly worth the effort.

how to exercise daily at home

how to exercise daily at home

I used to be very active and would walk at least 4 miles a day for exercise, not play a sport or something more rigorous. However, I now work 2 jobs that both have very odd schedules and are very time and energy consuming and I now find it difficult to do any cardio which is what I like to do and what helps me keep my eight and health in check. It also makes it difficult to have regular meals so I often resort to grabbing quick unhealthy snacks so I have something in my belly. However, I know these are not healthy. I am not looking for tips on how to eat better but on how I might be able to get some exercise. I don't make very much money so I worry about shelling out cash for a gym membership even though I know I would use it if I had it. My neighborhood is also not very safe so walk around so I avoid that. 

Any ideas? Thank you!

For many people exercise seems too daunting and too demanding of a task. There are numerous exercise programs to choose from, and many people don’t know which one is best for them. Getting started on an exercise program is a large enough challenge considering the busyness of your daily life. It’s easy to conjure up excuses for why you shouldn’t exercise today. Where is the time to exercise? You tell yourself you will start tomorrow, or the next day, or the next, etc. 

Exercise doesn’t have to feel impossible. You are not expected to climb Mount Everest every time you work out. With the overwhelming amount of data available on the value of daily exercise to your health, both physically and mentally, exercise should be viewed with gratitude and positivity. Hopefully it can transform into something you look forward to, rather than something you dread. 

Perhaps you prefer working out in a group setting. This is always desirable for many people because as a group you can endure mental and physical stress together, and help one another push through the work out. For many people this is not an option. So what do you do? Here I’ve outlined five ways for you to exercise more effectively by yourself. It doesn’t matter what kind of exercise you choose to perform. Implement these five simple steps into your routine and I believe you will witness wonderful results. 

1. Set an exercise target or plan before you start 

I don’t want to present the idea that you have to embark on a two or three month workout program and know exactly what you are going to do every day. If you prefer this kind of exercise regimen than go for it. I am proposing that for each day you exercise that you have a goal or plan of what you want to accomplish. 

It could be as simple as walking up ten flights of stairs or using the treadmill for twenty minutes. It doesn’t have to be grandiose but having a target for your exercise will help keep you focused. You will be more likely to complete your daily workouts when you choose realistic and attainable targets. 


2. Focus on quality and not quantity 

It took me a while to understand this one. There are a lot of people who go to the gym and spend two hours there. By the time they leave the gym they really haven’t accomplished much at all. It is not important that you spend a lot of time exercising but it is important that you spend quality time exercising! 

Develop an exercise goal for the day so you can focus your workout without wasting unnecessary time. It will serve you better to spend thirty minutes at the gym lifting weights with a concrete plan of what lifts you are going to do and how much time you are going to rest in between each lift, than to wander aimlessly for a couple of hours. Spending more time at the gym doesn’t necessarily mean you exercised properly for the entire time you were there. 

3. Challenge yourself with attainable exercise goals 

Only you know your limits of how much you can push yourself. This is especially imperative when you are exercising alone. There is not going to be someone there yelling at you to push you. 

You have to go into each workout telling yourself that you are going to get the most out of the workout. A walk through the neighborhood can be a great form of exercise especially if you are walking at a brisk pace. 

With an exercise plan in place, along with a time limit in which to accomplish the workout, you are more likely to challenge yourself. If you go into a workout with no plan you are more likely to coast through the workout. 

If your goal is to run one mile in fifteen minutes then you have a tangible goal of what you are trying to accomplish. Let’s say you finish the mile in thirteen minutes. Next time you can make a goal that you will run the mile in under thirteen minutes. This is how you challenge yourself. 

It is not necessary for you to increase the intensity of each workout but when you feel you can do more, expand your limits. Not every exercise routine is going to be grueling and intense, but you have to be willing to test yourself if you want to experience positive results from exercising. 

If you find this helpful, l have 2 more steps on my Blog that you may find useful.